Kevin Coates is a competition lawyer who has worked in private practice, as in house counsel and as an official in the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission.
Currently a Senior of Counsel (formerly a partner) in Covington, based in Brussels, and a PhD candidate at King’s College London, he previously worked in DG Competition for twenty years. He was most recently head of a cartel unit, and before that he worked directly for two Directors General, advising them on policy and communications issues. Earlier in his career heworked on antitrust and merger policy and on cases in the telecoms, media and IT sectors.
Before joining the Commission he was European Counsel for AOL Europe, responsible for antitrust and regulatory issues for AOL subsidiary companies in the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands.
A law graduate of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University and the College of Europe, he qualified as a solicitor with the law firm Lovells – now Hogan Lovells – in London and Brussels.
He is the author of “Competition Law and Regulation of Technology Markets” published by Oxford University Press in 2011 to wide acclaim (available from Amazon
). He is also co-author of the Communications and Intellectual Property chapters in Faull & Nikpay’s EC Law of Competition and is a frequent speaker at conferences on a range of competition law topics.
He is overjoyed to be married to a smarter – and more successful – woman, despite her continual despair at his addiction to technology.